Fetch a project's prepare for distribution status based on the id

GET /projects/{id}/prepare_for_distribution_status

Fetch a project's prepare for distribution status based on the id.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    Resource ID


  • The project's prepare for distribution status code and percentage.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code string

      pending: not yet started

      in_progress: in progress

      done: done

      incomplete: some orders have not yet been prepared for distribution

      Values are pending, in_progress, done, or incomplete.

    • percentage number | null

      The percentage of orders already prepared for distribution

  • Authorization information is missing or invalid.

  • Resource not found.

GET /projects/{id}/prepare_for_distribution_status
curl \
 -X GET https://client-subdomain.bitbond.net/api/v1/projects/{id}/prepare_for_distribution_status
Response examples (200)
  "code": "pending",
  "percentage": 42.0
Response examples (200)
  "code": "pending",
  "percentage": 42.0